So I finally did it. I have a blog. Not that I had to tell you that since you're obviously reading it, but it has taken me quite awhile to join the masses and get one of these started for myself. It took me awhile to come up with an address and title for the blog that felt good to me. "DrMommaLaelle" won out for my address as those are two aspects of myself and who I am that I'm working on integrating at the moment. The Dr. part is for Doctor of Chiropractic. After much hard work and dedication, I received my Doctorate degree in Chiropractic back in September of 2007. I was only just beginning to really comfortably identify with myself as a "Doctor" when I became a "Momma"! And what an incredible past 16 months of Momma-hood it has been. As I've slowly come to embrace myself and my role as a mother, I have simultaneously moved away from identifying with myself as a doctor. Only very recently as I've come to regard myself as a Mom without seeing all the other more experienced moms as separate and distinct from me as a "New Momma" have I felt the urge to reconnect with my "Doctor" side again.
Yet through it all I have never stopped being a Chiropractor. It's not just a title, it's a part of who I am and everything I'm passionate about. It's why I trust so much in every individual's inborn ability to heal themselves. It's why I so strongly trust in the natural process of pregnancy and birth. It's why I eat organic wholesome foods to nourish my body and choose not to take medications that interfere with what my body is trying to do when my system is overwhelmed and out of balance. So even though I have not been actively working as a chiropractor since Ari was born back in September of 2009, I still know that I am as much as a chiropractor today as I have been since I really "got it" about half way through my schooling process (that of course I had to finish to get that oh so important piece of paper that makes it legal for me to care for people as a chiropractor in our country).
So what now? How do I continue being a Momma while I turn some attention back to being a Doctor and educating others about the things that are so important to me? And when and how do I start actively practicing as a Chiropractor again as well? I'm hoping that writing in this blog will be the first step of many in working towards finding a balance in all of these roles. And I look forward to continuing to share the journey with everyone who chooses to read with me!
Good for you Laelle! I hope to join the ranks shortly!